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crespo cabornero
Blog de crespocabornero

24 de Junio, 2012 · General

¿DÓNDE OLVIDARON CULTURAS Y RELIGIONES LOS MANDAMIENTOS DE LA LIBERTAD Y LA TOLERANCIA? Where did religions and cultures forget the sacred commandments of tolerance and freedom?

¿Seguimos olvidando que un paso necesario y previo a casi todos los demás es reconocer la importancia de afianzar la libertad y la tolerancia en el seno de nuestras tradiciones, educación, culturas y religones?

Do we still go on forgetting that one necessary step on any human walk is to recongnize the importance of supporting freedom and tolerance in the heart of our traditions, education, culture and religions?

It is unpleasant to see how many supporters of different religious faiths call for respect towards their beliefs, call for tolerance and freedom in order to have the chace to live in peace an with the same rigths that exist in many different western countries; however, the same religious groups that demand fredoom deny the same freedom for other groups of people who support different ideas or interpretations than what they defend. That happens with many Islamic groups who call for the same rights as Christians in Europe while Christians communities suffer discrimination in many Islamic countries. Something similar happens to the Catholic church and other Christian groups, they claim for fredoom and respect, but they aren't able to recognize that most of them deny and reject the respect and freedom that they ask for when they don't allow women to be priests or they are against the gay marriage.

Why are some religious and political groups unable to accept that most people want to live in a world based on freedom, tolerance and peace?

Why do some people who support some religious beliefs or political ideologies think that they have the inner right to be free and, at the same time, they use that right to be opposed to the same right for other human beings? It is not because they deserve it, because those religious and political supporters that reject freedom of others have a whole history of crimes, atoricities, lies and fanaticism that point to them as people who lose their dignity whenever they try to deny other pople the same rights that they demand for them.

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¿Qué te parecen?


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Juan Antonio Crespo Cabornero

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